It is difficult to fix a precise date for the first preaching of the Christian faith in the village of Saint Quentin Lamotte. The sources are uncertain. But, nevertheless, we can admit that the first evangelizer was Saint-Quentin. Originally a practitioner, he was born in Rome around the middle of the 3rd century. Quentin, apostle of the faith, leaves for Gaul-Belgium. He settled in Amiens to make it the center of his ministry. From there, he radiates throughout Picardy and comes to evangelize the populations of Vimeu where Druidism had resisted better than elsewhere.
Quentin died as a martyr because the Prefect Rictiovar had received the order to put all Christians to death in excruciating pain.
In memory of his passage, and also of his martyrdom, a church was erected in Saint-Quentin in the village of Outrainville which, after his name, is still named Saint-Quentin-La-Motte-Croix-Au-Bailly.

The current church would have been built on the site of an old chapel which dates back at least to the 12th century.
It is located in the center of the village on the former stronghold of Saint-Quentin between La Motte and La Croix-au-Bailly. It has the shape of a Latin cross but the braces are unequal; it is, moreover, oriented according to the ancient liturgical prescriptions which wanted the priest to face the East.
After many restorations and transformations, the church was built in the 16th century, except for the north transept which is of more recent construction. It does not go back beyond the first half of the 17th century. It is also quite visible that this part is not part of the building, but was brought back later. An inscription at the top of the semicircular arch separating the nave from this transept and bearing the date “1723” does not indicate its construction, as one would be tempted to believe, but only a major repair.